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Yoga from the ancient era is the most recommended path to achieve salubrious health along with the serene state of mind and soul. The art of Yoga renders a sense of relief from the hectic and busy life. Yoga integrates the body, mind, and soul in a more profound way and helps in connecting yourself with spirituality. Due to its tranquil and inartificial environment along with the divine intervention of the pious river Ganga, Yoga in Rishikesh is always a mesmerizing experience for yoga lovers. The land of Rishikesh multi folds the benefits of Yoga to the utmost extent. Rishikesh is the most chosen hotspot for health and wellness by many Yogis, saints, and Rishis. Thus, Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is the most chosen amongst the Yoga freaks from different parts of the world. One can quest for the best Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh.

Days residential Yoga course or 200 hours Yoga TTC mainly focuses on understanding and learning the basic concepts of Yoga. It also includes the practicing of the Yoga Asana or Postures. We at Satvik Yogshala focused on maintaining proper discipline in the life of our Yogis, as from the yogic perspective discipline is the foremost path of a Yogi. Our Flow Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh includes the correction of Yoga postures. As 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training program in India is considered to be the gateway of the brightest career field of Yoga, so during this yoga course introduction and understanding of yogic concepts is to be done.

Satvik Yogshala renders the students with a friendly learning environment offering 200 hours of Hatha Yoga TTC affiliated by Yoga Alliance, USA. Our team of professionally skilled & certified Yoga Teachers helps you in understanding and practicing all the concepts of Yoga. Apart from authentic Yoga learning, our quality and standard of Yogic food are also one of the major points of attraction for yoga lovers. Regardless of the proficiency in yoga courses, Satvik Yogshala is having something for every level of yoga practitioners. Our course plan includes teachings of Indian traditional, yogic history, and spirituality with an amalgam of modern teaching style.
looks interesting 🙂 ?
200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training in Rishikesh will be an amalgam of passive awareness, active involvement, fitness, and wellness. It involves a combination of physical exercises along with subtle, spiritual, and divine force. This style of yoga uses blocks, straps, cushions, and pillows to provide physical wellness and deep relaxation. It helps in maintaining symmetry between passive and active energies. The framework provided by blocks, straps, cushions, pillows, etc. helps in complete relaxation and improves yogic skills which help in building confidence in Yoga teaching. This art of yoga ameliorates the flexibility and muscle strength to the utmost extent.
Our 200 hours Yoga TTC emphasis on the knowledge of Vinyasa, Hatha, and Ashtanga practice of yoga. The course curriculum of our yoga TTC program involves the correction of yoga asana, Shat Kriyas or Yogic cleaning techniques, Meditation, Pranayama, and Bhakti Yoga. Our certified yoga instructors impart the best possible knowledge of Yoga Asana and Kriyas followed by Mantra Chanting sessions, and spiritual outlook.
  1. Learning & Understanding the basics of Yoga Asana
  2. Studying Yoga Anatomy and Physiology for better alignment of Yogic postures
  3. Enhancing class conducting techniques and confidence
  4. Strengthening the path of becoming true Yogi
  5. Knowledge of Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
  6. Performing Meditation, Mantras, and Pranayama in the lap of nature


  1. Joint Movement
  2. Sun Sulation
  3. Moon Saluation
  4. Standing Pose
  5. Sitting Pose
  6. Spinal twisting Pose
  7. Advanced Pose
  8. Balancing Pose
  9. Forward bending Pose
  10. Backward bending Pose
  11. Pose benefits and causes
  12. Relaxation Pose

Asthanga yoga has become a famous yoga technique where we learn how we can move in different Asana.This is a dynamic yoga series where you learn all the benefits and causes.During the asthanga series of your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training,you will learn:

  1. Primary series & Pose
  2. Sanskrit names of poses
  3. Standing Pose
  4. Primary Pose
  5. Intermediate Pose
  6. Correction Alignment
  7. Body Gestures(Mudras&Bandhas)

During the Pranayama classes of your 200 Hour Teacher Training,you will be learned this Breath-Control:-

  1. Introduction of Pranayama
  2. Benefits of Pranayama
  3. Brahmari pranayama
  4. Movement of Prana
  5. Practical
  6. Ujjai pranayama
  7. Sheetali pranayama
  8. Nadi shodhana
  9. Kapalbhati pranayama
  10. Bhastrika pranayama
  11. Surya Bheda pranayama
  12. 5 Retention
  13. Natural Breath
  1. Indroduction of yoga
  2. Satvik lifestyle
  3. Three Dosha
  4. Five basic element
  5. Pantanjali Yoga sutra
  6. Eight Limbs of Yoga
  7. What is chitta ( vrittis)
  8. What is chakra?
  9. What is kundalini?
  10. Yoga therapy?
  11. What is Raja Yoga?
  12. Story’s of Yogis
  13. Karma practical & theory
  1. Principal of Meditation & Concentration
  2. Bhajan/Kirtan
  3. Chakra meditation
  4. Breathing awareness meditation
  5. Gaze meditation
  6. Inner Visualization
  7. Yoga Nidra
  1. Introduction of Shatkarma
  2. Jal Neti
  3. Rubber Neti
  4. Trataka (Eye Cleaning)
  5. Kapalbhati
  6. Vamandhauti
  1. What is mantra and benefits of chanting mantra
  2. Om mantra
  3. MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
  4. Guru mantra (mantra for guru)
  5. Gayatri mantra (universal prayer)
  6. Hare rama, Hare Krishna (Maha mantra)
  7. Shanti mantra (mantra of peace)
  1. Spine and its importance
  2. Respiratory System
  3. Joints Movement
  4. Skeletal System
  5. Digestive System
  6. About Dhosha
  1. Hip openinge
  2. Back bending
  3. Forward bending
  4. Twisting
  5. Standing

Our Schedule

05:45 - 06:00Detox TeaDetox TeaDetox Tea
06:00 - 07:30Hatha YogaHatha YogaHatha Yoga
07:45 - 09:00PranayamaPranayamaPranayama
09:00 - 10:00BreakfastBreakfastBreakfast
10:15 - 11:00Mantra / Alignment & AdjustmentMantra / Alignment & AdjustmentMantra / Alignment & Adjustment
11:15 - 12:45Ayurveda Cooking / AnatomyAyurveda Cooking / AnatomyAyurveda Cooking / Anatomy
12:45 - 13:45LunchLunchLunch
15:00 - 16:00PhilosophyPhilosophyPhilosophy
16:00 - 16:30Tea/Cofee/JuiceTea/Cofee/JuiceTea/Cofee/Juice
17:00 - 18:30Ashtanga YogaAshtanga YogaAshtanga Yoga
19:00 - 20:00MeditationMeditationMeditation
20:15 - 21:15DinnerDinnerDinner
22:00Light OffLight OffLight Off

UpComing 200 hour YTTC Dates & Fees

DatesTwinShare RoomPrivate RoomBooking
4 April 2024 – 18 April 2024€1100€1275Book Now
2 May 2024 – 15 May 2024€1100€1275Book Now
2 June 2024 – 15 June 2024€1100$1275Book Now
2 July 2024 – 15 July 2024€1100€1275Book Now
2 Aug 2024 – 15 Aug 2024€1100€1275Book Now
2 Sept 2024 – 15 Sept 2024€1100€1275Book Now
2 Oct 2024 – 15 Oct 2024€1100€1275Book Now


  1. Accommodation
  2. Trainer support
    Excursions ( Ganga Aarti, Temple/ Cave visit )
  3. Yoga material ( Yoga Mat, Notebook, pen, Neti pot)
  4. Satvik Food Facilities
  5. Wi-Fi Facilities
  6. Laundry Service
  7. Books Material ( Only for Reading )
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